White paper

Our first white paper is about light!

We have tried to create an overview and describe how different specifications influence the light from your lamp. We have also collected our suggestions to how you can get good light in your rooms.


Get the publication here.


White paper, loevschall, light, lys, good light, Ra-værdi, CRI, guide
Emerald, radiant, pace indbygningsspot med godt lys fra loevschall

At Loevschall we know everything about light.

Johannesburg spejl med MultiWhite lys tændt fra Loevschall

We also know everything about how to integrate light in our lives.

Garonne spejllampe med godt LED lys fra loevschall

With us you will get good lighting in products that fit your needs.

And we have the right accessories to make the light shine!


Contact us and get a noncomittal talk about your next lighting purchase.